The Secrets of The Mediterranean

You will enjoy our handcrafted wines with Mediterranean themed food paired by our sommelier. As you enjoy these pairings, Sprout Nutrition & Wellness Coaching along with Align Optimal Wellness (from Stillwater) will be speaking about the Mediterranean Diet and why it is incredibly beneficial to everyday life. The word “diet” comes with so many assumptions that typically lead to something strict, annoying, and hard. Thankfully, the Mediterranean way is the complete opposite and our lovely Stillwater wellness experts will explain why!

Here at 7 Vines, we are huge supporters of Alzheimer's research. According to the Mayo Clinic the Mediterranean Diet is clinically proven to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

A portion of every ticket sold for this class will be donated to the Alzheimer's Research Center. Special bottle savings will also be available after class.

We look forward to having you at the vineyard for this one-of-a-kind experience!

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